Monday, August 06, 2012

Reindeer Pics

Last Saturday we went to Kelujärvi again because MIL and BIL and SIL went there already on Friday. BIL and SIL stayed at the cabin near the lake, whereas MIL stayed at her former house. It was rather hot for a while that day (at some point it got as high as 26'C), though it got cloudier during the afternoon so the temperature dipped down, but at least I managed to get some sun ha ha...

When we arrived there, a reindeer was watching us from the yard, but it ran away when we walked to the house. Immediately I grabbed my camera and took some pics of it he he...It kept on coming back and eating. Must be so hungry, methinks...The second time it came back, I managed to come closer to it to take better I'm only going to share some of the better pics. 

Here are the pics...

I actually got much closer to it than the one shown in this first pic he he...

Just want to show you the horns from different angles ha ha...

This one below is one if the first few pics I took. Reindeer from behind ha ha...

I also took a short video clip of it while it was eating. At the end of the clip you can see it scratch its head he he he...Here it is:

I can't wait for our mutual summer holiday. R2 has started his summer holiday already this week and let me tell ya, he's a VERY VERY HAPPY MAN ha ha ha ha ha ha...he's actually got a long summer holiday due to overtime accumulation. :-D 

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