Friday, August 31, 2007

A Little Quiz for the Weekend

There are 22 gloves in a drawer (SOOOOOOOO SORRY for the wrong typo, NOT 22 pairs but 22 gloves!!!). 2 pairs are yellow, 5 pairs are white, and 4 pairs are brown. The drawer is in a dark room and you have to take a pair of gloves of the same colour from there. How many gloves in total do you have to take from the drawer at the same time to make sure you'll get the right pair of gloves?

Have a JOLLY weekend, everybody!!! ;-D


  1. I reckon you need to pick four gloves. If I am wrong, I shall go back to college and resit my maths O level.

  2. Agnes: Unfortunately it's the wrong answer. Try again, Agnes! ;-D

  3. this a trick question? You say there are 22 pairs of gloves, but you only list the varieties for 11 pairs...?

  4. I mean 6 pairs? Oh, I'm useless!

  5. Oh my you do have us all confused...i am not even going to guess...but, when you get back I have tagged you so please drop in I always find your posts so inspirational that I wanted to see your favorite five. Love and peace always~jackie

  6. SOOOOOOOOO SORRY for the wrong typo, everybody, but Matt got it right the second time he he he he...

    Since there are 22 gloves, meaning there are 11 LEFT gloves and 11 RIGHT gloves of different colours. To make sure you get the right pair (left and right gloves, whichever colour they are), you have to take 12 gloves (or 6 pairs).

    So CONGRATS to Matt!!! ;-D

    Jackie: Oh, so you're tagging me? I'll take a look at it later, OK? ;-D

  7. Wow, I'm amazed! Do I win a prize, amel, or will I be disappointed?

  8. Matt: He he he...All I can give you is a title: Mr. Smart Man!!! ;-D Hope that's enough to satisfy you. ;-D

  9. How dumb am I or am I just tired... lol

  10. Amber: NO WAY!!! You're not dumb. Probably just tired. ;-D

  11. Luckily, it's summertime so choosing gloves in the dark won't be an issue for me. :)

  12. Paper Fan: HA HA HA...Yeah, gladly in real life it won't happen. ;-D

  13. I hate these qizzes, but I love you.

  14. Monday Morning Power: Oh, Mel, you're SO kind. I love you too!!! ;-D
