Monday, October 03, 2011

3BT: Random Days

1. Hubby helping me set something that I failed to do on my own and he never made me feel like an idiot for not being able to do it.

2. A customer said one of the nicest things I'd ever heard in my entire life. He made my day (and made my eyes wet)!!! :-D Bless him!

3. Rainy day at work the other day helped me and my supervisor. It especially helped my supervisor 'coz she has a lot more things to do than I do.

4. A sunny day after the rainy day. :-D

5. Missing hubby. After spending a whole month holiday and then going back to work, I missed spending more time with him.

6. Sturdy raincoat. Big, protective, and comfy enough for me to wear while riding my bike under the downpour.

7. Another customer (an old lady) said that I had been missed at work during my holiday. Bless her!

8. Finally getting some free days from work - due to some sick coworkers I've had my plate full at work.

9. Wonderful memories - and reminiscing them.

10. Clean air, abundance of clean water, and the lack of noise and traffic.


  1. Nice quote about dancing in the rain.
    I know what you mean about missing hubby after your holiday. I said the same thing to my soon to be hubby when we got back from the holiday. Sadly he said he couldn't wait to get away from me, then said he was only joking! I hope he was joking!!

  2. The World According to Me: I know he's only joking. Bad boy! HI HI HI HI HI...

  3. YEAH to number 10!!! hehe *gw juga teuh waktu balik dari Indonesia, rasanya idung langsung plong haha*

    Bless your lovely customers! =)

    Dance in the rain! Let's all do that! I used to love doing it hahaha Now I can't, it's too freezinnnngggg

  4. Wonderful bless list, Amel.

    We have lots of rains in here too.

  5. #10 sounds like you enjoy wide open/spacious, clean Finland :)
