Saturday, November 03, 2012

Love Is...(Our Style)

LOVE is...
Sharing such a smelly fart with your spouse
Which inspires your spouse to sell it as a brand of perfume called "Heaven"
And you think that it's such a brilliant idea

LOVE is...
Ruining a movie plot together
By adding in crazy/unbelievable/yucky/over-the-top scenes 
Laughing together
And calling each other "a genius"

LOVE is...
Not minding the sweaty palms
That you hold while watching movies/TV series together

LOVE is...
Going back inside to write a note of warning on the door
When you go out to work and realize how slippery it is outside
To make sure your spouse doesn't fall down

LOVE is...
Telling your spouse "Shit happens" and "It's gonna be OK"
Whenever something bad happens instead of blaming him/her

LOVE is...
Hating the idea of hurting your spouse by doing back coining
Yet always giving in whenever your spouse begs for it
Because your spouse convinces you that it'd help
Even though that means whenever you do it
You always say, "Masochist!" to your spouse 

LOVE is...
Pampering each other when asked
And without being asked

LOVE is...
Knowing that whenever your spouse says that you're crazy
It's actually a compliment that shows how special you are

LOVE is....
Forgiving the weaknesses and faults
Because your spouse also forgives yours

LOVE is...
Keeping in touch regularly whenever you're out of town
To make sure that your spouse doesn't get worried
If a phone call is not possible, at least an SMS would do 

LOVE is...
Kicking infertility in the ass together
And believing that two is a complete family

LOVE is...
Driving each other crazy at times
Saying sorry sincerely when you've done something wrong
Still saying "I love you anyway"
And knowing you really mean what you say


  1. One of my fav posts of yours!
    I think we should always remind ourselves what love is and appreciate the loving things we do.
    Do you mind if I nick this one as well?!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Nikki. No, go ahead and nick anything you want. I'm LOOKING FORWARD to reading your posts! :-D

  2. Aaaawwwww.... LOVING THIS ONE!!! ^__^
    Like I said, you're one of my fave couples!

    1. THANKS, girl, for all your support and encouragement. You have no idea how MUCH it means to me! :-D (((HUGS)))

  3. I LOVE LOVE this!! So cute! Yg pertama makes me laugh so loud! hahaha ROFL ROFL

    1. That's the idea. That's why I wrote it first instead of the others LOL!!! :-D

  4. This has made me feel so many emotions at once! I laughed and smiled and 'aaawed' all at the same time haha! You deserve this perfect love!

    1. THANK YOU for your feedback. Glad you enjoyed it. :-)
