Friday, July 05, 2013

The Case of The Missing Tupperware Cap

The other day in the evening I was preparing my lunch boxes for work because I had an early shift the next day, so it was more practical for me to do it the night before so that in the morning I only had to grab them with me to work. I took down two "Tupperware" boxes from the cabinet along with two caps. One box was white with a white cap, whereas the other one was white with a dark blue (navy blue) cap. I started preparing my snack first (usually I sliced up some bananas and mixed them with yoghurt) and then I was confused when I couldn't find the dark blue cap. Where had I put it?

I started getting frustrated after some time. I even looked at the bathroom ('coz I went there before preparing my food) and everywhere else in the kitchen. I knew I had taken out the cap from one of the cabinets, but I had forgotten where I left it. I started groaning in panic and hubby then got out of his chair and asked me what it was all about, so he helped me search.

And in just under a minute, he found it. And at the same time I laughed like crazy 'coz it was just HILARIOUS!!!! It was close to me, yet I missed it altogether. Where was the culprit, you asked?

It was lying on top of one of the round plates of the stove. You see, our stove is like this pic below and apparently I just happened to leave it there and because it was getting dark outside and I didn't put on any light, my eyes missed the "optical illusion". Dark on dark. My goodness!!!

Photo taken from here

Anyway, all's well that ended well and we had a good laugh over it LOL LOL!!!


  1. That sounds like the sort of thing I would do!
    Glad you found it in the end. Nothing more annoying and frustrating than loosing something!

    1. Yeah, glad to have found it, too! :-)

  2. ^____* Glad you found it not like me. On the day we were going to celebrate Matthew's birthday. I lost the candle with no. 2. We bought it few days before and I forgot where I put it. We were searching all our cupboard and could not find it :(( in the end, I run to the supermarkt again to buy it. Until now, I could not find it hi hi hi...

    1. Ha ha ha...maybe you should write a blog post on it later on when you find the candle. Sometimes we put things in a secure place but then we forget where the secure place is he he...

  3. Hehehe it's always like that, right?! Especially when we're in a hurry or we need those things urgently, our eyes play tricks on us! Anyway, how r u buddy? Just to let you know that I have temporarily set my blog on private due to some reasons. Will be back, don't ya worry. Take care. ;-)

    1. True, true...I've been doing fine, thankssss...hope you'll be back to blogging later on. I've missed you! You too, take care! :-)
