Went to Lindos by bus from the bus stop near our hotel. Cost us €3.5/person (one way). It was quite a long ride and we had a tough time since we didn't get any seats (I got a seat during the last 10 minutes, but R2 had to stand up all the way). It wasn't that we were that weak, but I knew that we had to walk A LOT in Lindos, so it would have been better if we had gotten some seats.
When we finally arrived at the location, there were SO many tourists there already (I guess they must've booked it with a travel agent or something). We immediately took pictures nearby as the sea looked gorgeous from there...then we started walking towards the entrance and we had to pay €6 to see the Acropolis in Lindos.
From the entrance we could see many people with donkeys. Those who didn't want to walk up those many steps could ride a donkey (not all the way up to the Acropolis, though - at least I've never seen any donkey in the Acropolis area). It costs €5/person. We decided to just go up by ourselves, though it was a tremendously HOT HOT HOT day there (we later discovered from a Brit waitress that works there that Lindos is the hottest location in Rhodes 'coz the rocks in the area helped trap the heat inside it).
While going up the steps, I was a little giddy as (again) there were no railings and if you slipped, you could hurt yourself so badly 'coz of the rocks. Even when going up the steps towards the Acropolis (a castle-like stairs), the steps were very narrow (remember there were so many tourists that day going up and down the steps - the steps in some places were only big enough for two people to pass by at the same time and there were no railings on each side), so we had to be really careful. Due to the heat and the fact that we had to go up the steps, I wondered what if somebody couldn't take the heat and the fatigue and just fainted??? Uuuuhhh...scary thought.
Anyway, here are some pictures of Lindos area and the Acropolis.
First pic: before walking towards the entrance of the Acropolis, we took this pic.

Next pic: This is a pic that we took right in front of the entrance and the ticket booth. There were taxis nearby the area. If you look closely and enlarge the pic by clicking on it, you'll se a castle-like building on the top right side. Yep, that's the Acropolis area and we had to get up there!!!

Next pic: We were already ascending the steps. Halfway up we found some souvenir sellers. I can't imagine their going up and down those stairs every day with their souvenirs (mostly table cloths and stuff like that) and they had to spread so many of them and repack them again.

Next pic: Oh nooo...we're not done yet going up the steps...still so many!!!

Next pic: The other side of where I was standing on the above pic.

Still going up he he he...better watch out here 'coz it can be slippery (esp. when wearing flip-flops).

Next pics: Here are some magnificent views from above.

Upon descending from the Acropolis area after taking some pics and resting in a "cool cave" (many tourists rested from the heat in the "cave-like" area in the Acropolis), we went down to see the souvenir shops and also to get some drinks!!! We were SO thirsty! There were so many cafes selling fresh orange juice, so we went to one and bought two glasses at €2/glass. So refreshing!!! :-D

Next pic: Found out that there's a church in the area, as well. The church door is on the right of this tower. Unfortunately we couldn't take pics inside the church, though it's free to get inside. I can't blame them, though. It has a very unique interior design and I was awed when I looked inside (maybe for those of you who've been to Barcelona or great churches of the world, you wouldn't feel awed, but I'd just never seen anything like that before).

After walking around again, we felt thirsty, so we went to this cafe to grab another drink and to get away from the heat.

Next pic: I LOVE this door and the door knocker. Now I realize that the stones below my feet are also SO gorgeously designed! :-D

Next pic: We decided to grab something to eat after going back to the bus stop (it's a long walk to the bus stop) and realizing that it would only come in one and a half hours or so. The bus going from Lindos to Faliraki and back doesn't operate as often as the bus going from Faliraki to Rodos (downtown) and back.
In Lindos, there are so many restos or cafes boasting their "rooftop view". Thus we were seated here. As you can see from this pic, there are other restos, too, that have rooftop views. In this particular resto we went to, they used a food lift so that the waitress didn't have to go up and down the stairs to the third floor (well, the rooftop view in this pic could be considered as the 3rd floor).

After going back to our hotel (finally!!!), we just wanted to swim in our hotel pool and enjoy the breeze. Our feet were so tired after all that walk in the heat he he he he...OK, I still have more pics to show and stories to tell next time, so bear with me ha ha ha...