Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Snow Bunnies!

It snowed for hours again last Saturday, though the temperature stayed around 5'C so the snow didn't pile up the way it was days before. On Sunday I was thinking of clearing up some bits of snow from the yard, but then decided to make a snowman instead. This time I ended up making a snow bunny he he he he he he...actually I made two versions of it. I decided to make use of the rest of the snow, considering this is probably the last time I can make a snowman this year. Imagine making a snowman in the beginning of May! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

It was much easier to make the snowball and mold it compared to when the temperature was 0'C or -1'C with no sun. It was around 4'C at that time and the sun was shining, so the snow got wet enough. When it was 0'C or -1'C without any sun, it was much harder work to make the snowball and mold it the way I wanted it to.

Anyway, while making the snow bunny, I had a feeling that someone was watching me, so I turned around a few times but couldn't see anyone. What a disturbing feeling! 

Here are some pics of my snow bunnies. The first one is a plain one and the second one is a spotted one (decorated by orange peels LOL!). Which one do you like best? I wanted to make the ears bigger and longer, but I was afraid they'd flop and fall down and end up ruining the ears altogether, so I stuck with these smaller ones. I also tried changing the mouth with the orange peels, but they kept on falling off, so I decided to use the same material for the mouth as the first version.

After I was done, I took some pictures and after that I wanted to show it off to R2. He said calmly, "Oh, I've seen it."

I asked back, "When?"

He replied, "While you were making it."

HUHHHH?!?!?!?! So he was the one who made me feel like someone was watching me! My instinct was right! Turned out he was having coffee in the kitchen at that time, so he had full access to my snowman making activity LOL LOL!!! No wonder!!!

P.S. I tagged my brother on the first bunny pic in FB and he wrote, "The bunny looks possessed!" ARRRGGGHHH!!! How dare he! I'm going to spank him when I get back to Indo later this year LOL!!! Just kidding! ;-P


  1. Isn't that funny you sensed him looking at you, just shows how tuned into each other you are.
    They are very impressive! I think I like the second one best.

    1. HAHAHAHAHAHA...I was just thinking to myself, "My instinct is still working pretty well", though I love your description better he he...about being in tuned with each other he he...

      I like the second one better, too. :-) The first one is a bit gloomy he he...
