Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sick of Being Sick

Still alive...though not as kicking as usual (read: VERY grumpy). Waiting for my appointment at the health care centre. Yesterday I went to work, thinking I could make it 'coz I had no fever anymore and my throat didn't feel sore anymore. I didn't feel as energized as usual, but I was armed with ibuprofen and coughing syrup.

The first few hours went fine, but then after 3,5 hours I started to feel dizzy and then my breathing became laborious and not long after that I felt nauseous. And right on...finally I threw up. My breathing became normal again after that, but I got so tired, so I was given permission to leave early (thankful for my coworker who could stay later and my understanding supervisor!). I told them that I wouldn't come today, either, because I'm going to the health care centre. 

Forcing to work today would have been more challenging after all, because yesterday I could get by with just sitting at the till, but today I would have had to do more physical work than just being at the till and I don't think I could cope with that yet. My head still feels weird until now, though yesterday when I started working it felt fine. UGH!!!

I still have no appetite since last week's Sunday and that feels like a torture 'coz I LOVE food. Now, though, even if you give me my most fave food in the world, I don't feel like eating it and some food just aggravates my throat and makes me cough uncontrollably. I'll be SO happy once my body overcomes this batch of flu viruses!!! 

Anyway, just to let you know why I still haven't written new blog posts. I've been trying to rest as much as I can, though the frustrating thing is that my cough won't let me sleep well. I hope you're all feeling healthy 'coz I certainly miss my health!!!!! So TAKE CARE, people! 


  1. I wondered why you were so quiet online. :-(


    love and hugs (you can't catch germs from cyber hugs. ;-)

    1. THANKS, M! Still don't know what's wrong with me. Tomorrow back to the doc's. Sigh...and HUGS back!!! :-)

  2. Your condition sounds bad. I'm recovering from a bad case of flu and I know exactly how you feel. Hope you recover faster so you can eat and feel normal again.

    1. I can't wait to feel alive and kicking again. THANKS, Ting!

  3. hope you feel better. I have had a cold, too. It's pretty common around here.

    1. This time it's not a cold. My first flu in Finland. That's probably why it's been going on so long.

  4. Oh gosh, Amel, it sounds like you got a really bad bug! I am impressed (or maybe horrified!) at your stamina at work - hanging in there despite extreme fatigue, to the point where your body finally protested by throwing up! Glad to hear that you are resting - sometimes that's the only thing that works in shaking these virulent bugs. Sending lots of hugs your way :)

    1. THANKS for the hugs, Katriina. Actually I didn't feel that tired 'coz I had taken burana as well as the coughing medicine, though my energy level was lower than usual. And I wasn't sure about taking a sick leave 'coz I had no fever and the doctor had only signed me off until the Sunday before then, so I just tried "my luck" and turned out I wasn't ready for work yet. Yeah, a really bad bug indeed. My throat's still sore and no appetite yet, though it's getting better VERY slowly.

    2. Oh yeah, actually I think I kinda overdosed on medication 'coz that day and the day before going to work, I felt that my throat wasn't sore anymore. The next day when I went to the doc's, it was found out that there was still inflammation, so I stopped taking medication unless I really needed to and then I realized that my throat felt REALLY painful. So I guessed during the time when I took "too much" medication (burana and different types of coughing medicine and Finrexin - not at the same time), I felt I was getting better already, though it wasn't the case.
