Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Brain Age Test + Ken

A friend of mine sent us a link to this fun Brain Age Test and ever since then I had been looking for brain games to play with 'coz I've been having free days from work he he he...

So if you have some free spare time, just click on the above link and game on!!! Wanna know my brain age? 43!!! HA HA HA HA...Yeah, I sucked in doing two of the tests, namely the word test and also "find the difference" test. But anyway, I had fun in doing the test and nobody else should know your result, so don't worry about that ha ha...

Today I picked up a package for Ken (my bro's son). SO EXCITED!!! I've been buying things for him ever since last year, so he'll be getting more gifts from me than the others he he...I bet the others won't be jealous, though, 'coz Ken needs as much stimulation as he can gets to improve his brain power.

He'll turn 3 years old next October and he know his alphabet already. He can count up to (at least) 20 in Indonesian and he can count up to 12 in English. He recognizes letters in words, though he can't spell words yet (but my Mom's slowly teaching him to spell).

The last time I met him, he couldn't talk yet (13 months old) and he was just starting to walk on his own. Now his vocabulary has grown A LOT. He can sing many songs from the beginning until the end without help.
Overall he's been a joy for my parents as well as his own parents (my bro and SIL). Can't wait to meet him again. WHOOOOPPPPEEEE!!! I LOVE counting down to going back to Indo he he he...


  1. I'll bet you are exciting to go back to Indonesia. We don't know when we could go on vacation to Jakarta again, I am sure we are waiting until Matthew around 2 years old. More easy to travel long journey when he is older :D

  2. HAHAHA! Mine's 44! -.-' I am really bad at spotting the difference. *sigh*

    Btw, Mel, blog loe syusyaaahhh banget loadingnya..udah berhari2 nih gw nongkrongin...baru keload post yg satu ini..duenggg

  3. Bet you can't wait to see him!
    My brain power is 54! Slightly worried, but I hadn't realised one of the games had started!
