Wednesday, May 11, 2011

3BT: Random Days

1. Yesterday I finally got confirmation from HQ that I could take an extended summer holiday to go back to Indo. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!! Now I can really jump up and down and tell my family that I'm DEFINITELY coming home. :-D

2. Two friends and the mother of one of them are DEFINITELY coming to visit us in June. They've booked the flights to come here, so it's gonna be SO MUCH FUN 'coz I haven't met them in years!!! YIIIHHHAAA!!!!

3. One grandmother told me that she was happy to see my joyful face whenever she visits the store. It was a nice surprise to hear something like that - makes me wanna do even better to improve my service quality. :-D

4. On the same day, another guy gave me such a nice compliment about my work performance. :-D

5. Finding cheap curtains in a local auction store.

6. Finding a cheap Finnish novel in a local bookstore. (As usual can't resist buying a cheap novel, though I don't know yet when to read it HA HA...)

7. Fresh strawberries cut into slices and eaten with nutella pudding. VERY VERY delicious!

8. Sunny days where I could sit on the swing and read a book. :-D


  1. YAYYYY!!!!! Such great news. must be super excited right now. I would be! hehehe

    awww....those customers are priceless!! =D We should have more people like that in this world. hehe

    Fresh strawberries and nuttela pudding?? Never tried it...I should. hehe Ada resep nuttela pudingnya? =D

    I love sunny days too. We had a whole week of sunny days last week. Sooooo precious =D

  2. Oh iya, berhubung gw takut burung, post loe yg bird pictures gw skip. hahahahha

  3. @Shin: YES, SUPER excited!!! :-D Yep, I was really touched by those sweet customers. They totally made my day! :-D

    Sorry, bought the nutella pudding from the store (where I work) HA HA HA HA...any kind of chocolate pudding will do, as well, though. :-D

    YAAAAYYY for sunny daysss...and I can understand why you skipped my birdy pics he worries. :-D
