Friday, May 17, 2013

3BT: Random Days

1. After a long and crazy day at work, I came home at night in a famished state, but I was sweaty so I had to take a shower first, so I asked hubby to fry an egg for me so that it'd be ready right after my shower. :-D THANK YOU, hubby!!!

2. My bro asked me to give name suggestions for their second baby (along with the meanings). THANK YOU, bro, for involving me. I'm SO touched!!! Bless you!

3. A nice, long, restful sleep in the cabin where I could hear no noise at all where I saw a totally gorgeous sunset. Ahhhhh...what a wonderful world! 

4. Today has been a very sunny day at 22-24'C. I spent time sunbathing in the swing then spent a few hours mopping the floor and cleaning the windows wearing a tank top and shorts!!!! HA HAAAAA...

5. I got stared at by a very cute squirrel in MIL's garden LOL LOL!!!! 

6. My first batch of summer holiday has officially started. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!


  1. Enjoy your holidays! How wonderful!

    1. THANKS! I will definitely do so. :-)

  2. Great! Enjoy your holidays!
    How many days you are off work?

    1. THANKS, Klara! I have officially two weeks off, but due to my part-time job, it's actually close to 2,5 weeks. :-) I have a total of 4 weeks summer holiday, but the second batch will come later. :-)

  3. Perfect! 2,5 weeks is a lot!
    I guess since your FIL is ill you are not going anywhere...
    Enjoy your deserved time off...

    And - I am wishing all the best to your father in law.

    1. Yeah, unlike in Indo, over here the holiday plan is very good. :-) THANK YOU for your kind words for my FIL. Actually we just got back from a week trip to southern Finland. :-)

  4. Some corkers! Congrats to your brother, how exciting, especially helping with the name choosing.
    Enjoy your holidays. Sounds like the perfect weather for a vacation.

    1. THANKS, Nikki. Yep, we did have lots of fun on our week trip to southern Finland. Just got back home. :-)
