Thursday, August 19, 2010

3BT: Random Days

1. Hubby insisted on cooking today 'coz he wanted to cook the food the way he liked it - not the way I liked it. It's NICE to have him take charge in the kitchen once in a while.

2. Hubby made pancakes on Sunday. Though I can make them myself, it's again nice to be able to just sit down and eat without having to do anything else beforehand ha ha...

3. Buying face mask 'coz I still have some leftover budget for this week's grocery budget HO HO HO HO...

4. The other week after I received my paycheck, I decided to pamper myself by buying Bailey's and Kissanminttu (Cream Mint alcoholic drink) and they didn't even ask for my ID this time HA HA HA...

5. When I got back home with two bottles of alcoholic drinks as a treat, I found out that hubby had bought some chips and dip HUA HA HA that day was our party dayyyy at home!!!

6. Having some troubling questions and getting the answer. THANK YOU, God, for your answer!!!

7. Getting some opps to write. ;-D

8. Trying to recreate the kind of food that my Mom used to cook and I managed to do it. It tasted HEAVENLY!!! :-D

9. Just created another 2011 Calendar filled with flowery images from Lapland. Here goes:


  1. I'm all for pampering!

    I love your calenda, it's beautiful!

  2. Yayy..for the pampering. :D
    I'm happy that you had a good time and the calendar looks nice, too. :)

  3. I love when my hubby cooks for me, too hehehee... How much do they sell Bailey's at your place?? I haven't checked the calendar yet, will do sometime tomorrow, k?! ;-)

  4. Sounds like you've had an idyllic week Amel, I hope your weekend continues in the same way. Have a great one :-)

  5. hey...i opened ur blog randomly...i love it so much...u seem to be a very emotional person...i have a blog too but it aint as good as yours....btw i am an Asian(Indian)...after reading your blog, sumthing forced me to leave a comment for you!!...keep smiling always!!....:)

  6. My hubby cant boil water :)
    I love Baileys too :)
