Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Sense of Humour

What makes a marriage last? I don't know. After all, I've only been married for only almost 7 years. I've seen some couples grow apart in their later years. I've also seen couples that stay together no matter what despite the storms within and outside their marriage. I've also seen couples that go their separate ways before their fifth wedding anniversaries.

What I'm sure about is that sense of humour has had a great deal of importance in our marriage. We love teasing each other and we actually kinda grow each other's crazy/wacky sides, so it's "easy" to have fun together. I must say, though, I'm really thankful for hubby's easy-going and calm nature. He's not easily disturbed or panicked or angered and that's been one of the saving graces of our marriage. He doesn't talk that much, but that also means that he doesn't say hurtful words to me and he never reminded me of my mistakes or say bad words to me. I'm THANKFUL that he's never laid a hand on me. I cherish his gentleness and his own calm self. He's not perfect, but time and time again I'm reminded of how "easy" it is to live with him 'coz he brings out the best in me. And that makes me love him all the more as time goes by.

Honey, THANK YOU for being you, for being there, for sticking with me, for loving me, for being patient with me, for making me laugh so much, for laughing at my jokes, for every single day that we spend together...may the Lord keep us hand-in-hand and heart-to-heart for the rest of our lives...


  1. There's a lot to be said for a good sense of humour.
    Sounds like you both have a lot to be thankful for.

    1. Yep, a good sense of humor keeps the doctor away ha ha...And yeah, I try to find things to be thankful for 'coz I wanna make sure I don't miss them. :-)
