Sunday, June 13, 2010

Feast of the Senses

The smell of kampanisut wafting in the kitchen

Having the first bite of it and the pleasure of knowing that it tastes just the way it should...

Watching my family eat it delightfully

Watering the plants in the garden

Seeing little white butterflies flitting about among the greens

Hearing a bee and other flying creatures buzzing busily nearby

Watching the seeds germinate bit by bit

Singing or humming or whistling in the garden

While the sunshine caresses my skin gently

Watching the white wisps of clouds that look like cotton candy on a blue sky

Listening to "I love you's" every single day

The warmth of the skin while holding someone's hand

The warmth of the body through lingering hugs

The softness of the lips through kisses of love

The sparkling reflection of sunshine on a lake, like diamonds glittering on water

The sound of the wind blowing over the green grass and leaves in the field

The sound of birds singing summery songs of joy

The sound of contagious belly laughs

Feeling the grass beneath you while lying down on a field

Swatting away the naughty mosquitoes that are out to suck my blood

The pleasure I get while scratching the itch away with my fingernails

Licking the cold ice-cream on a hot summer day while swaying back and forth on a swing in the garden

The smell of wet grass after the rain

I THANK GOD I'm alive!


  1. A perfect way to spend the weekend!! We think alike. Our posts today are both filled with pictures of nature.

  2. WaterLearner: That was what I thought when I visited your blog today HE HE HE HE HE...:-D

  3. Ah yes... the beauty of life... Full of inspirations. :-)

  4. AMEN! Thank the Lord for life and everything that is in it! =) Beautiful post and pictures, Mel! =)

  5. Aww what a beautiful post! Something about suny days makes one appreciate life even more, doesn't it? And I love the romantic bit... actually I love all the bits of what you wrote. I love seeing you so happy!

  6. Fantastic photos Amel, I can feel it is Spring all the way over there ;-)

  7. I love seeing your joy and happiness in the pictures :) Isn't life grand? It's good to be alive.

  8. Lovely photos, Amel. I like your new header :D

  9. Embrace nature! You go girl!
