I've survived the week, though some days I got more tired than other days (my feet always get so sore every day 'coz I move around and stand so much). From today until the next 7 weeks, I'm going solo in cleaning the hotel rooms for 8 hours a day 5 days a week UNLESS there are many guests coming and then I'd get help from someone else. Well, at least I had told them that I WOULD NOT and COULD NOT endure any overtime work 'coz this type of work is so physical and they confirmed that I wouldn't be asked to do overtime. Well, that's a relief!!! :-))))
Wonder how much weight I can lose after this training is done HE HE HE HE HE...
Anyway, here's some update on my infertility test:
The doctor called me yesterday and told me about the blood test results. She spoke SO fast in Finnish so that I really had to concentrate hard, but at least I understood the gist. She said that all the results were fine EXCEPT for one hormone called "prolactin". She found that my prolactin level was high, so she ordered me to do another blood test just to test my prolactin level on a different day of the month.
Because the first blood test was done on my 2nd calendar day (the first calendar day is the first day of menstruation), she wanted me to come in the middle of my cycle. I counted and today would be somewhere in the middle of my cycle, though it's pretty hard to determine, since my cycle period varies from 31-43 days (the median range is around 35-37 days). So yesterday afternoon before I left home, I told my boss that I had to go to the lab today.
So I did...and they took two vials of blood from me this time. I didn't have to fast, but I had to be awake at least for 4 hours for one of the tests. So we'll see what the results are like. I asked the doctor what that high prolactin level meant. She said that IF the second blood test showed that my prolactin level was still high, she'd want me to go to a hormone therapy centre or something like that (not sure where it is in this village, though). Ugh...
I also browsed online to find out more things about this and I just try to prepare for the worst, hope for the best. :-))))
OK, now time to blog-hop a bit. I'll continue blog-hopping later he he...Shinta, THANKS in advance for the award!!!!
P.S. Forgot to upload a pic of cucumbers in my MIL's greenhouse. :-))))