Many people have said that when you're baring yourself out there in the internet world, you should be ready for whatever "junk" you're going to get. It is true in the blogging world as well. However, what I don't get is that even though you're not writing about something controversial, how come you still find "junk" everywhere?

Of course freedom of speech is good in itself, but then again how about thinking about other people's feelings first? And I'm not saying about what you can blog about. You have freedom to blog about anything or rant about anything - at the risk of getting negative comments or criticism. What I don't get is something like this: I was once browsing for some food recipe and I noticed that in the comment section somebody started a HEATED debate between non-pork eaters and pork eaters. And as usual, once a couple started that debate, more and more people chimed into the argument and they started calling names and stuff.
I mean...HELLO?!?!?!?!?!
The recipe writer only wanted to SHARE recipes, but that was the "junk" she got in return? She didn't even write anything "controversial". It angered me to read all those nasty comments. I just wanted to shake them all and say, "What the HELL do you think you're doing here??? Can't we all be decent human beings who agree to disagree? Why do you have to attack one another like that?"
Sometimes I'm just sad at the nature of human beings, including myself. It's just so easy to spread "junk" without thinking first. When you're struck, your first instinct is to strike back. No wonder the world's never going to be able to enjoy true peace. That doesn't mean to say that we shouldn't try to create peace as much as we can, though. I'm also not saying that we should all lie and shut up and that we shouldn't express ourselves or rant if we need to, but we should all restrain ourselves to some degree, even in cyber world, esp. when it comes to throwing junk to other people's "areas" (blogs, video posts, recipes, etc.).
A bad word whispered will echo a hundred miles.
- Chinese proverb
Words can make a deeper scar than silence can heal...
- Author unknown