Saturday, December 27, 2008

Some Christmas Pics

A few days before Christmas, in the library there was a puppet show and there were kids from one daycare coming to watch the show. There was supposed to be MANY more kids, but the kids from the other daycare didn't come due to some reason I didn't know.

Anyway, when they were waiting for the show to come, they browsed around the library and they were staring at me. LOL LOL LOL!!!

The puppet show is entitled "Oikea Joulu" or "The Real Christmas" and it's trying to focus that Christmas is not about gifts. My only complaint is that it didn't mention Jesus. Oh well...

Here are some pics of it:

Next pic: The same Christmas tree that they put last year he he he...but it's still nice to see it. ;-D

Last pic: The BEAUTIFUL chocolate that Michelle Colebourn made for us (all the girls that went to the pre-Christmas party). It was SO pretty that I didn't have the heart to eat it...she's SO talented!!!

I'll add more pictures tomorrow! ;-D


  1. Aww, those pictures are so cute! Hope you and your hubby are getting over the flu! Hugs

  2. love the photo's and looks like fun

  3. Coltfan: Yeah, I did!

    Orville: THANKS! ;-D

    Bitter Chocolate: Well, I haven't really caught the viruses yet and hubby seems to be getting better, so let's hope I won't catch anything at all he he he...

    Imelda: Hi, thanks for visiting my blog! ;-D Merry Christmas to you too! ;-D

    Dawn: Glad you liked the pics! ;-D

  4. Was that choc mint? Heheheheee... Looked pretty indeed and tempting. :D

  5. CMG: No, it's white chocolate and regular chocolate he he he...
