Thursday, November 06, 2008

Rauhan Aika - Sara

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song SO much: "Rauhan Aika" (In Times of Peace) by SARA. Unfortunately I'm not confident with my translation as it's tougher than translating paragraphs or texts, so I'm going to include the lyrics later, OK?

However, I don't think you need to know the lyrics to enjoy this song fully, 'coz even though I don't get it, I still LOVE it HA HA HA HA HA...


  1. I don't understand it but it is a good song.

  2. Well it's not George Michael so I don't know it. He, he!
    I'll get my head phones and have a listen....

  3. Dawn: Glad you liked it! ;-D

    The World According to Me: HE HE HE HE HE HE...Okay, then! ;-D

  4. OMG....gorgeous song!! I loved it!!

    It is so calm, so soothing...loved loved loved it !

    Thanks for having shared it with us, girl :D!


  5. Max: GLAD you enjoyed it!!! ;-D I've been listening to it a few times today HE HE HE...

  6. You are right. Don't need to understand the words to enjoy the song. I like it too. The raspy voice is nice.

  7. A tag for you, Mel.

  8. Lovely song! Sending you the lyrics and translation now! :D Love Michelle x

  9. Blur Ting: GLAD you liked it! ;-D

    Mrs Arctic Rainbow: Hey, THANKS A LOT, though I've posted it in my other blog along with the translation (after R2 corrected it), but I think your translation is also good. I should combine both to make it more sense. It's NOT an easy lyric to translate!!!
