Wednesday, June 13, 2007

3BT: June 13, 2007

1. Considering my Dad's health, I'm feeling grateful for my own health.

2. Reading a good book on a cloudy day while leaning on my sofa. I started reading Mitch Albom's "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" yesterday. There were some sentences that stood out like an elephant in front of my eyes: No life is a waste. The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone. There are no random acts. We are all connected.

Those sentences reminded me of Six Degrees of Separation and made me feel grateful for the internet. Lives intersected, shared, connected in cyberspace. How MAGNIFICENT!!!

3. A hot mug of tea with 3 teaspoonfuls of sugar plus milk. Hot Milk Tea, sipped while reading the above book when the temperature is cold outside. :-)))


  1. Ahhh you sound very at peace with your environment at the moment! hahaha, I'm a nervous rack here waiting for the exams to come up in 2 hours!

    I wish I could enjoy a nice cup of hot tea!!

    But yes, treasure what you have because you'll so miss it when you don't have it...

  2. Lovely ones, Amel. Number 2 was a shock though as it links to a blog post I wrote, but never posted. (got cold feet) So now I'm feeling like your "elephant" quote was a message for me too. :-\

    Ok.. going to have to go away and think about that. And copy that quote! :-)

  3. THX, M!!!

    Ooooohhh...yeah, sometimes I also refrain myself from writing something in my blogspot he he...too many considerations. :-)))
