Thursday, August 02, 2007

3BT, August 1, 2007

1. Talking to my parents via Skype Out. THANK YOU, Skype!!! It's been a while since I talked to them, so it felt SO GREAT knowing they're doing okay.

2. Listening to my hubby's heartbeat. God's given another day together with him. Must cherish it well. ;-D

3. Fingernails. When you feel the itch somewhere, THANK GOD for fingernails. Doesn't it feel HEAVENLY when you scratch the itch with your nails???? AHHHHHHHHHHH YESSSSS....

4. The sound of a key turning in the door, meaning my hubby's back home again.

5. Knowing that two best friends visited my parents the other day just because. THANK YOU SO MUCH, My Angels!!! I know my parents also LOVED their company based on what my Mom told me about on the phone yesterday. ;-D


  1. Finally...all my Dr. visits are over and my hubby is gone and I can do some visiting. What lovely things you are grateful for. And you are so right...I never actually thought much about my fingernails...but, my it does feel so good to be able to scratch an inch. God Bless you are such a dear.~Jackie

  2. Such seemingly simple things mean so much don't they? I used to love lieing my head down on my kitty's (Penny, the best angel EVER)stomach and listening to her purr and breathe. And I'd just sniff her in, it was the best.

  3. Jackie: Yeah, the other day it just dawned on me how great it felt when scratching the itch he he he...

    Vic: Indeed. I'm trying to learn the beauty of all the simple things in life that we might take for granted. Mmmm...hearing a cat purring and breathing's also SO nice. Watching a cat sleeping and caressing it while it was sleeping and then hear it purr was also something I enjoyed SO much back when I still had my cat.

    A Wanna Be: THX for your compliment and THX for dropping by! ;-D

  4. Amel

    I burst out laughing here at fingernails. That is so true!! I never thought about it before.

    I now love my fingernails. :-)

  5. Hi, M!!! Glad I could make you laugh. ;-D
