Friday, December 21, 2007

3BT: December 20, 2007

1. Seeing hubby adding some ribbons to one of my gifts to make it look nicer. *grin*

2. Talking to Mom via Skype. Now that I'm getting some income, I can buy Skype credit myself = I can call my parents more often. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!

3. Writing "I love you and I miss you" SMS to my brother and getting the same reply HUE He HE HE HE HE HE HE...*Cheshire cat grin*

4. Buying some frozen pastry 'coz I plan on making some luumu torttu (plum pastry) today. The anticipation is killing me HUA HA HA HA HA HA HA...

5. Something funny happened this afternoon. Hubby came home for lunch break at around 2 pm, then I asked him to give me a ride to a supermarket. He did so, then while I was on the check-out counter and I was about to go home, I spotted a VERY familiar jacket and I realized it was HUBBY!!! Since it's a very small village, he went to the office and then he had to go back to that same supermarket to fix something there HA HA HA HA HA HA...It was SO funny!!! ;-D

6. Hubby calling me not long after that, asking me where I was since I was first planning on going to Lidl afterward. I guess he was done fixing something in the supermarket and so he wanted to give me a lift to Lidl since I had many things to carry already. Bless him!!!

7. It's a very small village here, so it only takes him one minute or two to get to his office from our apt. And since the supermarkets are located downtown, it takes only the same amount of time to drop me off in one of them since there aren't any traffic jams here. I'm GRATEFUL for this, since a friend of mine who works in Jakarta spends at least a total of 3 hours each day on the road to go to her office and back home.


  1. Mel, suka nonton Gilmore girls ga? gua ngebayangin your little village disana kayanya mirip sama little town tempat si lorelai tinggal ya? (gua lupa namanya) where everybody knows each other and you can go anywhere by walking hehehe... cute little town! hihihi...

  2. Mey: Dulu gua suka nonton, Mey, tapi skrg mah udah engga. Desa gua emang kecil banget, tapi ga pada kenal ah he he he he...atau emang gua doang yang ga pada kenal da emang belom bisa bahasanya sih he he he...Kebetulan gua tinggal deket downtown jadi ke mana2 jalan kaki, tapi kalo tinggalnya rada jauh dari downtown repot juga sih kalo mo belanja banyak dan kudu jalan kaki tanpa mobil mah he he he...

  3. Oh, that's very convenient as you don't have to wait for your hubby to go to the supermarket. ;)
